South African Housing Club

Transactional Support

We provide the following support to employees who want to buy a house:

While our clients are large employers or lenders, our support is provided directly to their employees or clients. We focus on the affordable housing market and have a direct relationship with employees where we support them to either:

We verify that the Seller or Developer is legitimate and owns the property
We verify the Offer to Purchase to ensure that the employees’ rights are not undermined
We offer advice on the reasonableness of the house price
If the sale is private, where an estate agent is not being used, we will support the process
We assist in accessing finance including mortgage and un-secured loans, as well as loans using pension or provident funds as collateral
We ensure that any payments made, for example deposits, occurs into a verified Trust account of a lawye

We provide a detailed cost estimation of the project (new build/
addition/ renovations)
We review and provide input into labour-only building contracts
and stage payment schedules
We provide support on ensuring that there is a valid contract with
the builder

We verify material quotes
We assist in accessing finance including mortgage and un-secured
loans, as well as loans using pension or provident funds as collateral
We provide support a advice throughout the building process

The services we provide are:

Housing Advice

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Transactional Support

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Fund Management

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