Employee profile
- 42 year old male
- Mine worker: Length of service 11 years
- Gross Income: R17500
Company loan provided
- R150 000
Funding provided by the employee
- R5000
Company Grant
- R68 052 (Net)
SAHC support provided
- Established home ownership pathway and housing action plan
- Scoped project to be within budget
- Support provided for contracting with builder
- Technical support and advice provided in respect of repairing leaking roof and adjusting the pitch to improve water flow from the roofing.
- Materials quantities verified
- Transactional costs verified and disbursed
- Three on site meetings by SAHC Technical Support Guide (qualified Master Builder Inspector)
- Individual coaching provided throughout on owner builder responsibilities
- Individual coaching on provided on responsible home ownership and maintenance
The household is in the best position to make decisions about their own housing and should be at the core of any housing decision” Matthew Nell, Founder SA Housing Club